Making Money Using and Sharing Your Expertise
There are people that make money every day using their expertise online. Think you couldn’t do it…think again!
These are ordinary people who finally learned to stop focusing on their negative aspects and focus on what they CAN do. They know what they’re good at and enjoy doing and they put it to work for them so they can monetize their expertise.
How to Find Your Expertise
- What are you good at?
- What do you enjoy doing?
- What excites you?
- What is something you know that most others don’t
know? - What is something you’d do even if you didn’t get paid
for it?
Branding Yourself: What Can You Teach Others?
- What do you know that your competition doesn’t know or that you know better?
- What value can you offer your target market?
- Do you have something you can teach them?
- Remember, people like to do business with people they know and trust.
- Make sure your target KNOWS you and TRUSTS you so they can SEE your value to them.
- Utilize video marketing by offering your teachings online.
- Make your brand stand out!
As a Visual Digital Marketing Specialist for New Horizons 123, Julie works to grow small businesses, increasing their online visibility by leveraging the latest in internet and video technologies. She specializes in creative camera-less animated video production, custom images, content writing, and SlideShare presentations. Julie also manages content, blog management, email marketing, marketing automation, and social media for her clients.