How Do Consumers Rate the Top Loyalty Travel Rewards Apps?
by Brian Wallace
December 20, 2023
How Do Consumers Rate the Top Loyalty Rewards Apps

Learning From the Top Loyalty Rewards Apps

The most important thing for any travel-based business is consistency.

There’s nothing more frustrating when traveling than missing a flight, ride, or reservation and ending up stranded.

Nowadays, travel companies, like any other modern service, have to have a digital presence.

Typically, this will entail an app, and when that app malfunctions, people end up stranded.

Even worse, people end up stranded due entirely to forces out of their control.

Let’s explore the top loyalty rewards apps for consumers below.

Looking Among the Top Travel and Transportation Apps

Looking at the top-rated travel apps, a common theme is making this as uncommon as possible.

Fly Delta, both on the App Store and Google Play, is the highest-rated top travel app.

At the same time, the debate on the best airline is never-ending, at least for the app.

Delta functions correctly the most often. Other airlines don’t share this trait, especially the less-reviewed ones.

Outside of airlines, Lyft and Uber are also consistently highly ranked.

These apps have one distinct advantage over airlines: they were made to be an app.

Uber is a service that takes advantage of phones and their services.

It has an effective UI, is incredibly reliable, and will alter driver prices to ensure people get a ride. When using Uber or Lyft, people will find a ride.

The Best Hotel Apps

Moving to hotels and accommodations, Airbnb is the top-rated app.

Like Uber and Lyft, Airbnb was created as an online service. It recognizes that people are booking online and will need updates online.

It makes communication easy and requires as little external confirmation and input as possible.

Consequently, despite being undeniably pricey, it’s also largely reliable and consistent.

This is a feature other travel agencies and hotels moving into the digital realm don’t always share.

This is to say that prioritizing consistency overall, specifically in the digital realm, is vital.

The services built with the internet in mind continue to do well year after year.

This is done primarily through effective UIs and interconnected systems.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that older businesses cannot adapt.

Delta has shown that prioritizing updates and consistency leads to a positive online reputation and perception.


The important thing is not to get caught in the past. More people are traveling now than ever.

The best thing a loyalty reward app can do is make that easy. Even for businesses without an app, it goes to prove a point.

Travelling is hard, it’s stressful, and it’s often messy. A good app will reduce that as much as possible.

They’ll make updates, locations, and information clear for the customer.

Mistakes should be as hard as possible for the consumer to make. That’s the mark of a good app and business.

top-rated apps


How Do Consumers Rate the Top Loyalty Travel Rewards Apps?

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